Gilbert has 185 years of experience - All the products are made with the same attention to detail and quality as set out by William Gilbert in 1823 when he made the first ever rugby ball. Gilbert Rugby has grown a bit since then - The Rugby balls have been the ball of choice for the last 4 Rugby World Cups and the last 4 RWC 7's Competitions. Professional players insist on using GILBERT that's why we are asked to supply almost every major league and Union across the world - We are the ball of choice for South Africa when they play the Bristish and Irish Lions in 2009 The GILBERT range now caters for much more than just balls, our range of teamwear, clothing and equipment is endorsed by International players and rugby teams worlwide making GILBERT one of the few brands that can truly cater for all rugby needs. ugby is a performance sport so we ensure that our products are CREATED 2 PERFORM